Lead Coach: Lee Drewnicki
Email: lee.drew@hotmail.com
Maidstone Under 13's seek to introduce young players to the "skills and values of rugby" and so focus on the continual development of our players' skills so that the game is fun to play, watch and coach with an ethos based on open running rugby. This season has the introduction of fully contested scrums with 6 players. The boys will continue to be coached on running with the ball, off-loading, passing and having the ability to beat an opponent are core skills . It is this that we strive to achieve. In addition, we hope that our players learn to develop key rugby traits of good sportsmanship, teamwork, self-discipline as well as developing their own confidence and respect for others in a positive and supportive environment.
We have an enthusiastic team of players of mixed ability’s many of which are in their 8th year of Rugby. Every season we welcome new players who enjoy the game and make new friends looked after by 5 dedicated coaches.
All enquiries reference joining the Maidstone under 12’s should be directed to the Lead Coach: