Vacant Volunteer Roles
9th September 2024
Your Club Needs You! We cannot do it alone!
Maidstone Rugby is a members club and how things happen here are in the main part the result
of a small band of volunteers including an active Committee. There is a myth that a lot happens
by magic or by fairies moving amongst us. This is a fallacy, whoever heard of fairies in a Rugby
Currently we have a number of members doing more than one role and they are definitely feeling
the pinch. So we would like to spread the load by asking you, the Membership for help. None of
the vacant roles below are felt to be too onerous as so many of us have busy jobs outside of the
Club, but they are important.
This season we have a good start with a new Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, Social Media Co-ordinator
and Web Designer.
However we do need to expand our complement (and happy band) and so we would like to see
the following join our team. Committee meetings are once month
Sponsorship Chair. Seeking out and raising money from local businesses or individuals. The
funds raised are used to fund rugby whether it would be buying new balls, post protectors, kit and
so on. As we are registered with HMRC, sponsors can claim on their expenditure back. Sponsor
packages start from £475 + VAT. Commission on new sponsors is payable.
For more information please contact Trevor Marvin Chairman
Ground Chair. Working with the Friday Mowing Club and outside contractors, this is a co-
ordination job to keep the pitches playable throughout the season and repaired during the off-
season. Liaising with the Fixture Secretary should the pitches become unplayable due to weather
and wear. Green fingers are not essential.
For more information please contact Richard Gray President
Discipline Officer. Slightly different role from those above in that you would need a knowledge
of Rugby Union rules so that you could conduct an internal hearing following the imposition of a
red or yellow card during a game and possibly followed by representation at a board convened by
Kent RFU. The role would also involve adjudging general behaviour off the field or in the
Clubhouse by a playing or non-playing members.
For more information please contact Shaun Neaves Hon Secretary
Maybe these are not jobs for you but know somebody who might help or you could consider a job
share? Think hard, we need a much help as we can give running this great club.